When I add files to my mega cloud account they arent being synchronized with Raidrive

When I add new files to my mega cloud drive Raidrive does not synchronize to show the new files unless I close out and restart Raidrive. I’m on version 2023.9.256 of raidrive and I have update storage changes asynchronously checked in my settings. I have been using raidrive for 2 years now and before this was not a problem with raidrive and mega. The files would show up instantly whenever I would add something to my mega.nz cloud account. Did mega change something recently that is causing problems?

Hi @william_homyk.

It looks like a temporary issue with Mega.
In our tests, it was temporary, but after a while, it worked normally.
If the issue persists, please let us know again.

Thank you.
RaiDrive Support.

Ok it appears to be fixed now, thank you!