S3 Compatible Key Connectivity Issue

Hi Team,

I’ve been given credentials to access as s3 bucket.
I’ve been given the address (url) a 20 character access key and a 40 character secret access key. The response I’m getting is
Code: ErrorRemoteDriveAuth (ErrorRemoteDriveAuth)
Reason: The specified key does not exist.

We also didn’t have s3 support with our license so I’ve added that. Would the issue be coming from Raidrive or from AWS?


Hi, Shane_Dolley.

Please check if you entered (or selected) the AWS address or bucket name correctly.

If the problem is not resolved, please compress the log folder below and send it to support@raidrive.com.

  • C:\ProgramData\OpenBoxLab\RaiDrive\log

Also, please capture the drive settings screen and send it to us by email.

RaiDrive Support.