Raidrive Windows 10 32bit install problem

During install of RaiDrive_2023.9.209.1_x86 I get the following error:

Schermafbeelding 2024-08-27 183221

Problem summary: INTERACTIVE is not a valid usergroup.

How do I solve this?


Hi @cp.vernooij,

To install RaiDrive package, an account has the privilege of Administrator.


Thanks, I did not try that.
However, “run as Administrator” gives the same error message.
Any other solution?


Is this an account registered with AD(Active Directory)?


Probalby the problem lies there.

I did some research on the internet for similar errormessages and came across a similar problem for “Authenticated” users, where the solution was to add the usergroup.

So I tried: net localgroup /add “INTERACTIVE”
and clicked Retry and then the installation finished successfully.

However, Launch of Raidrive gives the following error:
“Can’t get access to the device, path of file.”

Apparently some authorizations have to be added to the group.

I re-installed Raidrive and that went well, but startup gives the same problem.

Do you have an idea how to solve this problem?

INTERACTIVE Group in Windows operating systems is a special group that users are automatically added to when they log in directly to the system. This group is primarily used for security and permission management , and users in this group are considered to have logged in locally.

You had to better to ask your system administrator because this issue is about security policy.

I see.
This a small private laptop so I am the system administrator. I will look further for a solution.

Thanks for your help,


I still come back to you one more time.
On my Windows 10 64bit, there is no localgroup INTERACTIVE either, but Raidrive 64bit installs without a problem.
Why does Raidrive 32bit needs this group on Windows 10 32bit?

Any idea?

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