Mount storage access linux & docker

Hi team. I hope you are having a good day.

It’s sad but I’ve tried everything to serve my files on Linux. I can see the files from the GUI and when browsing through Terminal but when I mount my containers there is simply no access from the containers and it’s frustrating, I feel like I’ve tried everything and no success, I even installed ubuntu on windows 11 to browse files using WSL and nothing, I bought the subscription from you guys, I log into RaiDrive and absolutely nothing happens. I’ve mounted the drives as folders, as local drives but nothing happens, it connects but from linux I can’t see what’s inside the mounted directories. I can see all the drives and directories on my local drive but when it comes to the mounted drive it doesn’t work. What could I do for you to help me? Thanks

Hi, Gabyrex.

If you mounted it on the Z: drive, try the following command in wsl.

wsl>sudo mount -t drvfs Z: /mnt/z
wsl>ls -l /mnt/z

If it doesn’t work properly, please let me know again.
RaiDrive Support.